Friday 24 January 2020

Lisa Nandy Should Be Our Candidate, by Calvin Rodgerson

This leadership election isn’t just about who will be leading our Party in a few months- it’s also about who will be our candidate for Prime Minister. That is why I’m backing Lisa Nandy.

The collapse of the “red wall” has shook our Party, and it’s time for us to start considering the “red bridge”, which Lisa proposes. Why can’t we represent those from Hammersmith and Wigan? Those from Lincoln and Carlisle? Those from Cardiff and Nottingham? 

Only by rebuilding those bridges can we bring unity to people, after the divisive issue of Brexit which has torn our country apart. It’s no secret that the media is against us, and we need a candidate that can combat that. 

After Lisa’s performance on Andrew Neil most were left impressed, not many are able to hold their own against him, but Lisa showed him what true leadership and passion looks like.

She did the same when talking to Nick Robinson, and Piers Morgan. It is this kind of person that we need leading the party, one that isn’t afraid of putting media pundits in their place. 

Her performance at the Labour Party’s hustings have shown us that she can be quick when answering questions, the 40 second time limit did not phase her, and she was able to get her point across very well. 

We also need a leader who is popular with the public, a leader who can win the next general election and deliver for those who desperately need a Labour government. After Channel 4 interviewed former Labour voters, this was quite clearly Lisa.

She would unanimously win them back, and that could be as a result of her analysis of the election, which was a spot-on account of where we went wrong and what we have to do in the future.

But it could also be as a result of Lisa’s popularity amongst voters, she gets them, and what they’re going through.

Lisa’s support for the Preston Model shows her understanding for the kind of policies that can win people over again and bring socialism to our local towns and cities across the country.

Lisa has been a champion of left-wing policies throughout her time in parliament, from voting against renewing Trident, to advocating for us to push through greener policies.

Whilst her views on renationalisation will not differ from most in this leadership race, she also understands the importance of Co-Operatives in building local communities and bringing people together. 

We must get it right, otherwise things will not get better. Lisa is the only candidate that can unite the Party, the country and bring Labour back home. Party members must consider this when they vote.

Calvin Rodgerson is a Labour member of Carlisle City Council.

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